Monday, July 25, 2011

The Adventure Begins!


  1. Okay so where did you get the cop car picture?

    I really really really want you to say you whipped around in your seat at 90 miles an hour and shot that off of what would have been the best phone camera ever built which would have made you James Bond, but then in that case, of course the cop let you go since you were James Bond.

    Nice moto jacket, by the way! You are so fashionable, Mr. Spice.

    I have found that policemen have been less harsh on the small stuff in the past few years. Around here, a personal use amount of weed is not balked at, even though we have no carry allowances in law yet.

    Plus, they like honesty: I was 8 month pregnant a couple years ago and I was, for NO apparent reason, driving like a bat out of hell. I was pulled over and the guy looks down at me and says, "is your condition imminent, maam?" I looked down all ashamed and said..."no sir, I have no idea why I was driving like that, I'm only going to an appointment." He's like, "You're lucky, I'm out of tickets, so you get a warning..."

  2. p.s. holy crap! That's your moto? Sweet!

  3. I got the chp pic from the interwebs. I was going to ask him for a photo (since it's sort-of a tradition among motorcyclists to ask for such photos when they get a ticket on a road trip) but I didn't want to push my luck!
