Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My First Blessing!

Riding through the Sierra yesterday, beautiful day, enjoying the mountain roads. Heading around a corner, uh-oh, Po-Po!

CHP: "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Me: "90???"

CHP: "Yep, do you know what the speed limit is here?

Me: "Honestly, I have no idea."

CHP: "55 mph"

Me: "Ouch, this is gonna hurt"

CHP: Not today it's not. Slow down OK?

Me: "Absolutely, lesson learned- thank you so much!"

CHP: "How do you like the bike?"

Me: "Just got it and I love it"

CHP: "Very cool, ride safe"


  1. oh you lucky bastard. I guess you can be extra happy it was a cop on the side of the road and not a herd of elk crossing the road...

  2. I don't believe your freakin' luck! 90????!!! Ok, Road Squid........slow 'er down!

  3. On my cross country trip I came up on a Texas state trooper while doing 110 and he only 70 something. Once I saw him it was too late. So i slowed down, pulled up along side him, and made a motion like, "want me to pull over". He looked at me puzzled, then laughed big, really big, and waved me onward. I kept it at 80ish until he was out of my mirrors. But then again, I was passed by an 80 year old, grey haired lady in a Buick, while I was doing about 85/90. keep the rubber down my friend.
