After filling my belly full of delicious "burnt ends" at Arthur Byrant's BBQ in Kansas City it was off to find a campsite for the night. I found one using my handy-dandy GPS, but when I pulled in, they wanted $20 for a concrete slab to pitch my tent on. Outrageous! I will NOT spend $20 for the privilege of sleeping on the ground in what looks like an EPA Super Fund Clean Up Site / R.V. Park. No way, No how brother.
So off in search of FREE accommodations I went. It wasn't long before I found a giant, unused parking lot that appeared to be some kind of concert venue and or Renaissance Faire. The place looked totally abandoned and there were no signs or gates keeping me out.
I figured this would be the perfect place to camp for the night, so I set up my tent and went to sleep.
At about 3:00 am, I awaken to a very bright light (I mean like the sun). I sat up and could hear a car engine. I figured it was either the cops or I was about to have a close encounter of the third kind.
Believing it was the former, I waited for instructions. I know cops like to make the first move, so I just sat there for a while. After about 10 minutes, I decided to go out and introduce myself. I slowly unzipped the tent and came out with my arms away from my sides, palms up (cops also like to see that you don't have a gun in your hand).
At this point the cop asked me to walk toward him, I still couldn't see much because I was being blinded by a giant spot light. But soon I got close enough to see him. To my surprise there were SIX cops standing there.
"Where are you from?" The cop asks. I thought that was strange intro question, not "Why are you camping here?" or "What does this parking lot look like, a KOA?" but no , he wanted to know where I was from.
"Los Angeles" I reply. - This broke the ice, as all SIX cops begin to hoot and hollar. "LOS ANGEL - EEZE" The cop responded with a laugh. "What the HELL are you doin' in Kansas City??" Again, I thought this was an odd question. obviously he needed some retraining from the board of tourism.
As I began to explain my trip and where I was going and where I had been, the cop asked for my license.
"I'm going to check you out, make sure you're not on the run from anything.."
Apparently I'm clean, because he handed back the license and told me to have a good night. He did look disappointed.
Please tell me you were in yer hello kitty undies when you came out!