Monday, September 5, 2011

Cosmic Detours

As some of you may know, my friend Michelle, someone very special to me, has been in the process of donating a kidney to her sister for quite some time now. It just so happened when I received a call saying that all systems were "Go", I was only 5 hours away from where the surgeries would be taking place. Well, it just doesn't get more clear than that, I pointed the bike East and rode. I thought it would be fun to surprise her too, so I didn't mention that I was coming.

I almost didn't make it as the bike overheated while crossing the George Washington Bridge into NYC! But undeterred, I pressed on and made it just in time to see her awaken, now with one less kidney!

She was surprised to see me, and I think she was glad I was able to be there. I spent a few days helping in anyway that I could.

Everyone will be pleased to hear that both the donor and donee are making full recoveries and that the new kidney is happy and healthy in its new body.

Sometimes the universe just puts you in the right place, at the right time.

Oh, and we had pizza, and it was delicious, and why can't we get this on the west coast??